The most common reason the hotel or room type is showing no availability is due to being fully booked, therefore we would recommend searching for different dates.
There may be other reasons that the hotel or room type may not be available, which include:
- The number of people in a room; check the room information for details on how many people our rooms can accommodate. Not all of our rooms accommodate the same number of people. You may find changing the number of people in each room, or expanding your search to multiple rooms shows availability.
- The room type or hotel you are looking for may not be available on certain packages or offers, please have a look at the package information for any exclusions.
- We can only include three rooms per booking. If you need more than three rooms you will have to make more than one booking.
If you still need to speak to someone, please contact our Guest Experience Team, please note that our team do not have access to extra availability, nor are they able to make exceptions or changes to room exclusions which relate to offers or promotions.